Everybody seems to be starting on their Fall crafts, so I thought I’d get into too. And, let’s face it, I’m pretty much over Summer. We had such an early start to it in BC this year, with next to no rain, and fires all around us, that I can’t wait for Fall to get here already!
I started by creating this Cuddle Weather SVG, including a pumpkin and a pretty little branch. This design comes in SVG format, as well with two PNG files for printing. The SVG opens with a white border background for creating print and cut die cuts, and the PNGs come with and without the background. For my tag, I Un-Grouped the design in my Cricut Design program, deleted the white background, and separated the pumpkin and branch from the words. I enlarged both the pumpkin and the branch for my tag, just because I thought it would fill out the space better, but you can play around with them however you like. You could even add extras of each, move the words, or elongate the pumpkin to have two different looks. You can totally play around with this file to create the look you want!
You can find my Fall themed Cuddle Weather SVG here: https://craftycanadastudio.com/product/cuddle-weather-svg-fall-theme/
I removed the little string from the tag, and painted it with the Linen White chalk paint from Rust-Oleum. It took a few coats to cover the black words and coffee cup that were already on the tag, but it dried super fast.
I then cut my words and branch out of black vinyl using my Cricut Maker, and cut the pumpkin out of some orange vinyl.
I had these cute wooden beads on hand that I strung onto a piece of thin, black ribbon. I then used the same black ribbon to create a quick tassel, which I tied off with some jute twine. I can’t even remember where I got the wood beads. I know I ordered them online from a wholesale company in Canada, but unfortunately can’t remember the name. You can get wood beads like these from Amazon, and many other places online. I think Dollar Tree may even be selling them online now, I’m not sure what sizes though. These are probably just under a half inch in diameter.
My tag was looking a little boring to me, so I added some ribbon and a bow to the top. I picked about six different ribbons, and layered them overtop of eachother. I then tied them off with the same black ribbon I used to make my tassel. I hot glued it onto the top, and added a jute bow on top.
I then finished off my tag by adding some dotted lines all around the edge using a painters pen. If you don’t have one, a black sharpie would work just as good.
This was a pretty quick Dollar Tree makeover, and I’m super happy with how it turned out. I’ll definitely be adding it to my Fall and Thanksgiving themed tiered trays this year! If you make anything with my Cuddle Weather SVG and would like to share a picture, please feel free to send it to info@craftycanada.com. I’d love to share your photo in my gallery!